Wednesday, August 8, 2012

The Countdown Begins!

3 days to go till the big move.

I've been in this position before when I was days away from departing for Vietnam but I still find it quizzical that the nerves haven't set in quite yet. I told myself they would come when August rolls around. Then, when I start packing and am about a week away. But, nothing.

Spent my last day in New York City today and even took pictures of the apartment. Ryan thinks it's so I can compare how clean I left it to how messy it'll be when I return. (Anyone know of a good cleaning service?!) For the record, here are some pictures of a mighty cleeeeaaaannn apartment:

Speaking of apartments, the lease for my new digs have been signed! 3 bedroom/2 bath on the fifth floor! This takes some stress off me because I would much rather spend time unpacking, unwinding, and exploring than schlepping around from apartment to apartment in Cairo. I would probably be too jet lagged, sweaty, and delirious to care too much about where I'll live.

What I love most about the apartment is that my roommate and I will have about the same size bedroom and bathroom. Here are some pictures:

2 of the bedrooms

Living room and kitchen

I will definitely update the pictures with my own when I get there- especially with the view from my balcony (cross your fingers) and the neighborhood!

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