Friday, August 31, 2012

Friday's the new Saturday

So the weekend here is Friday and Saturday and the workweek is Sunday through Thursday. Weird, right? The acronym TGIF doesn't apply but is replaced by SHIT, So Happy It's Thursday.

Today I spent the day at Citystars, a huge mall a short drive from us. It was insanely big with more familiar stores, like H&M. We got there early to beat the crowds but it's usually not hard to do that. They seem to start their days late and go late into the night.

I got some things for my classroom, like tupperware and small rugs. I also got some more clothes. I feel like I've been clothes shopping more here than I usually do, probably since nothing has to fit properly right off the rack because I can always get it tailored really inexpensively. On the way home, we spotted this truck. Just last night we were discussing the lack of car seats in Egypt. Now we know why.

I was so pooped by the end of the day that I decided to have dinner delivered. We have a website called that we use to order food online. Since it was just me ordering, I chose enough items to reach the minimum at this Egyptian place, Akl Beety, but decided to just keep going and get enough food for a few days. So this was my dinner spread tonight:

I got all kinds of goodies, from meat sambusak and molokheya to mesakaa and umm ali (came in a clay bowl-score!), for less than ten bucks. That's like four dinners for me! I will be doing this a lot because I am not going to cook if it's cheaper and faster to order in. Plus, lunch is already packed for the next day. :) 

Putting some sweat equity into the classroom tomorrow. That's right. On a Saturday. 

1 comment:

  1. That take out order is crazy! So cheap! Don't get fat.
