Monday, July 30, 2012

Things I'll miss about New York

1. Trader Joe's- After waiting on a mile long line just to buy milk and eggs just because it's 1.50 cheaper here, I have to admit some kind of loyalty/infatuation with TJ's.

2. Family

I will have to come home at least once during the year. 

3. Ryan. -

Ok, I am obviously not doing this list in any order. I will clarify that I will not miss Trader Joe's more than Ryan and my family.

4. Senor Pollo- 1st b/w 13th and 14th

Delicious chicken but it's really the plantains I have a love affair with.

5. This little guy.

A week old now. A year old when I return!

I was stranded on the subway(/sauna) for an hour today so, no, I will not miss the infamous MTA.

Apartment update: All the good apartments have been rented out so I'm back to square one in the search. It's getting down to the wire.

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