Sunday, August 26, 2012


With all of the relaxation, exploration and free time I've had lately, I needed a vacation! So it was off to Alexandria. It really bought me back to my study abroad days where we would decide our international weekend trips on a Wednesday or Thursday and actually make them happen. 

Train Station- Very Grand Central-esque
First Class Seating- Look at all that leg room!

One small hiccup was that the first available train out was at 2pm. We found this out at the train station at 8:30 so we were advised to get on an earlier train without tickets and hope we find seats. Well, seats were found but only 3/4 so I stood the whole way there- 2 and a half hours. Sounds worse than it was. I actually didn't even remember that until I had to write this blog entry. That's selective memory workin for me. 

Chloe and I have it all to ourselves!

I'm sure Alexandria has a ton of interesting sites and a rich history but we were there for the beach. The Sheraton had a private stretch of beach which was what we were looking for. Those public beaches were awfully crowded and sprinkled with litter. A cute little man with a net tried to catch all the liter in our area. 

With Alexandria being a vacation destination for Egyptians- we were the only Westerners so we remained fully clothed out of respect- even when swimming! I have some funky tan lines to prove it. Egyptians don't lay in the sand like we so so the beaches are just covered in chairs and umbrellas. I wish I took a picture of the public beach. It's a sight! 

It was back to cloud-less Cairo today but it was actually a relief. Cairo's familiar and our home. I missed my rock hard bed and institutionally white apartment. 

Nevertheless, we're proud of our successful journey. Alexandria- we made it happen!

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