Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Bills, bills, bills

I finally have internet in my apartment! It only took a short ride to TE Data, about 30 bucks, and almost getting kidnapped but it was all worth it because I have internet!

I paid my first electricity bill, about 110 L.E. so less than 20 bucks for the month. I run that AC all night. Why is it so cheap here? What are we doing wrong America?

For some reason, I have an outstanding balance on my pre-paid phone so I'm ditching it and just buying a new SIM. Take that Vodaphone.

Let's see, I also have a monthly maintenance fee of like 200 pounds that I split with my roommate. Considering I don't pay rent for my fancy flat, I can't complain about 15 bucks a month.

It's nice to splurge once in a while. My latest splurge has been at the fruit vendor- the fancy one with the really good/expensive mangoes. I also picked up a pair of green pants at Espirit that I'll be rockin at school tomorrow. SO GLAD IT"S THURSDAY!!

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