Monday, October 8, 2012

Kids say the darndest things...

Yahia: "Did your mother make you that tea?"
Me: "No, Ms. Laila made it for me."
Yahia: "Ms. Laila's your mother?!!"
Me: "What?!"

Teaching responsibility:
Kid 1: "If your friend falls down, you must help him."
Kid 2: "If you spill your water, you must clean it up."
Kid 3: "If you see a hungry cow, you must feed it!"
Me: "I suppose so."

Ali: I have a tiger and a bear at home.
Me: Please bring them to school tomorrow so I can meet them.
Ali: Ok, they will try to eat you but I will save you.
Me: Thanks, Ali.

Kids: "Hey, where's Mr. Apple?" (Mr. Amril)

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