Saturday, February 9, 2013

Cairo Flea Market

The Cairo Flea Market is a monthly market held in Designopolis (what a name!) in the 6th October. I've been eyeing it for a while- carefully examining the pictures on their Facebook page. It looked promising enough so I booked a driver for the day and headed out. 
The market was a lot smaller than I expected and held in a very upscale retail mall. It was almost too organized and orderly for my taste. I get a certain satisfaction from rummaging through a pile of stuff- looking for something I didn't know I needed. 
Perfectly lined tents housed used clothing, antiques, tupperware, jewelry, etc. The food selection itself was enough to make me forget I was in Egypt. I enjoyed the live music which was heavy with American oldies while I snacked on a hot dog and popcorn in the scorching hot desert sun. 
I walked away with some shirts, bags, a ring, cards, and guava jam. A successful shopping day in my book-not that my shopping list featured any of those items....

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