Monday, July 30, 2012

Things I'll miss about New York

1. Trader Joe's- After waiting on a mile long line just to buy milk and eggs just because it's 1.50 cheaper here, I have to admit some kind of loyalty/infatuation with TJ's.

2. Family

I will have to come home at least once during the year. 

3. Ryan. -

Ok, I am obviously not doing this list in any order. I will clarify that I will not miss Trader Joe's more than Ryan and my family.

4. Senor Pollo- 1st b/w 13th and 14th

Delicious chicken but it's really the plantains I have a love affair with.

5. This little guy.

A week old now. A year old when I return!

I was stranded on the subway(/sauna) for an hour today so, no, I will not miss the infamous MTA.

Apartment update: All the good apartments have been rented out so I'm back to square one in the search. It's getting down to the wire.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Apartment Hunting

So I've never really have done the apartment search before- let alone solely via internet.
I've come to terms with the fact that I'm pretty vain. The apartment must not only be functional but also pretty. Pink tiles in the bathroom? Pass. Green velvet couches? No, thank you.

The upside of looking at apartments online is the efficiency. I get to look at a ton of apartments in a matter of minutes. Sure, I get confused and dizzy looking through them all but I found renaming each file name to a more descriptive name gets me organized and focused. " Nice furniture, dingy kitchen" " Duplex but no balcony" "Absolutely not"

The downside is that I have no idea where these apartments are located. What floor are they on? Is it in a safe, quiet neighborhood? Is there good water pressure?! What is the view like from the balcony? Dalia, the woman helping me in the search  gave me a heads up on a great apartment- warning me that the view from the balcony was a prison! That wasn't in the description! What if I chose that one? I would be staring at a prison all year. Worse off, I'd be living across the street from a prison! Phew- nice job Dalia.

There's one apartment that's a real contender. Currently, we're negotiating over the price because I'm too stingy to fork over more money on top of my housing allowance.

Must haves: balcony, washer, above ground floor!