Thursday, June 20, 2013

School's Out!

I officially finished my first year of teaching, in Egypt nonetheless.

As much as I gripe about this school and its contract- breaking ways, I really had a good year in the classroom. How many people can say they actually looked forward to going to work everyday?

The kids were the funniest, cutest, most innocent things ever. Look at them!
First day of school!

Just before Christmas!

In their caps and gowns!

They really grew up this year. They learned to read, they learned to be tolerant and patient, they learned to be responsible.

Even though English was their second language, you would never know by how confident they were. They learned everything a kindergartner would learn in the states. They could tell you rhyming words, antonyms, and story summaries. They could tell you about evaporation and the different types of matter. They could add and subtract.

What. a. year. 

Wednesday, June 19, 2013


The furthest I have traveled in Egypt was to Aswan. The trip entailed a train ride that was about 10 hours each way, maybe 11 on the way back actually. The train wasn't always moving but, with derailments always a possibility, making it to my destination in one piece gives me no room to complain. So was it worth about a day's worth of discomfort? Um, yeah.

Aswan is a nice mix of Egyptian and Nubian culture. Coming from the hustle and bustle of Cairo, Aswan was like going to the Caribbean when you're used to New York City. No one is in a rush and everyone is in love with Bob Marley.

We went to Elephantine Island and visited Animalia, a museum nestled in a house run by one man. He took us through the history of Nubia and the life of Nubians. We had lunch on the terrace and tried not to cringe while we ate bread that was baked on a disc that was just learned was made of cow dung. The rooftop terrace felt like a tree house and the homemade lunch was just what we needed.

We went to the Nubian Museum which puts the Cairo Museum to shame (though that's not exactly hard) with its state of the art facilities and realistic model displays. We also hit up some ruins and the botanical gardens. I think we made the most of our time there. As much as we did, we mostly relaxed- on feluccas, riverside, in ancient temples.

Men's side of the boat.

Women's side.

Botanical garden.

Something really old.