Friday, November 23, 2012

Happy Turkey Day!

It's my second Thanksgiving away from family. Better Thanksgiving than Christmas but it still sucks. 

While Egyptians celebrate the commercial side of many American holidays, there's not much to play with when it comes to Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving=turkey and where's a turkey to be found in Cairo? Thankfully, my school got us a coveted turkey and fixed us up a Thanksgiving lunch. Aside from the bird and mashed potatoes, it was all Egyptian food. Nonetheless, it was delicious and so thoughtful. 

We GPSers had a little Friendsgiving tonight with chicken and some vegetable sides. To really top it off, we played Apples to Apples- making our own play cards with a little Egyptian twist. 

Monday, November 19, 2012

Spinnin' and Twirlin'

It was a long weekend and I did a lot! Every weekend is a long weekend here. I don't know if I can go back to an American academic calendar.Islamic New Year last week- Thanksgiving this week. I love teaching at an international school!

I revisited a lot of places. Things are definitely more interesting the second time around for some reason. You notice different things. Take it slower. Take less pictures...

From the Mohamed Ali Mosque to Al-Azhar Park to the Egyptian museum to the Khan, I feel like I did everything under the Egyptian sun.

The weekend ended with a traditional Tanoura show- a beautiful display of music, singing, and dancing. Sufi dancers have large colorful skirts and twirl for about an hour. How these men don't pass out is a real head scratcher.